Friday, October 29, 2010

quote of the day

And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation.
Barack Obama  Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
George Washington A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.
Thomas Jefferson A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Abraham Lincoln A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
John Lennon

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


asthma is when you have trouble breathing you cough alot you could have an asthma attack and you need an inhaler.wikipedia
Asthma can have lots of causes one could be that its genetic or from smoking
Some symptyoms include wheezing,coughing,chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Diabetes is when you have high blood sugar if you have type 1 you can eat some sweets but if you have type 2 diabetes you might not be able to eat to much sweets.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


you should not judge people by how they look or how old they are